The chest and arms are cool, but the criterion for quality is the lats, which can outshine the…

5 key strategies for older athletes
1. Learn to synchronize wants and needs Many of us older athletes are still in decent or even…

5 common mistakes of training shoulders and traps
1. Dropped elbows when spreading arms to the sides Raising the arms to the sides is an isolating exercise for the…

Heart rate monitoring for beginners
Heart rate monitoring will make your workouts more effective, and at the same time will help you track…

Squat Technique
You may feel uncomfortable when someone walks around the gym barefoot, but barefoot squats can be your key…

Are squats the key to developing hamstrings?
For years, you’ve been told that basic lower-body exercises are enough to develop bulky hamstrings. Science says otherwise. Q:…

Back training – unsuccessful strategies
Sometimes the most important thing is to figure out what not to do. If you want to develop powerful…

Can cardio slow down muscle growth?
Are you avoiding cardio for fear that it could slow down your muscle gain? Find out what science has…

Wider shoulders: training for great shape
What guy doesn’t dream of wide shoulders and a narrow waist? Modify your training program to draw the cherished…

6 best ab exercises
Let’s face it ashore: we’re not here to find one “best abdominal exercise of all time.” Too many…