Reps for Explosive Breast Growth
Chris Gethin knows the secret of how to pump up your breasts! Learn about the most effective and still underutilized strength training tool for building muscle.
I bet when you did the exercise for the first time, it was as if you were reading all its technical characteristics from an imaginary flash drive in your head to ensure that the movement was performed according to all the rules. Fortunately, over time, the structure of movement becomes second nature, and you no longer have to think about it. The mind is freed and is able to concentrate on other important things. Today I want you to start thinking about the repetition rate.
Experience has taught me that the ability to manipulate the repetition rate – the speed with which you raise and lower the apparatus – is one of the most effective and, at the same time, underutilized tools of the training process. This is especially true for chest workouts, and I’ll show you exactly how to use the rep tempo with a couple of pectoral exercises.
Tempo manipulation requires utmost attention to the two main phases of repetition, eccentric (downward) and concentric (upward). By manipulating the duration of one or both phases, you can effectively change the training stimulus.
1. Bench press
From the top point, I perform a 2 second negative, lowering the barbell under full control to a point just above the nipple line. Remember, the muscle is stronger in eccentric contraction than in concentric contraction, and conscious control in the downward phase allows you to gain more dividends from negative repetitions.
When you reach the bottom of the range, smoothly change direction without hitting the barbell from the chest. Smooth movement allows you to take advantage of the elastic energy that builds up in the muscles during weight loss. If you make a full stop here, you will lose elastic energy.
In the positive repetition phase, I use a strong, explosive movement to push the bar back to the top. The high tempo allows for the greatest number of fast twitch muscle fibers in my pectoral muscles to work. Note that I can push the bar with all my might, but given its weight, the movement will not work out very fast. However, the “explosive” movement still requires control, so don’t be careless and throw the bar up!
2. Trainer “butterfly” (peck-deck)
By keeping your elbows slightly flexed, you minimize triceps stretch, which is ideal for better isolation of the pectoral muscles. Since I work in a simulator, I do not have to focus on the plane of motion, and all attention can be paid to the contraction of the chest muscles.
From the starting position, I perform a slow eccentric movement for 2-3 seconds. In fact, you are allowing the weight to slowly stretch your arms out to the sides. To reap the benefits of eccentric contraction, it is vital to maintain conscious control. In addition, slow speed gives you the ability to stop the movement before over-stretching your shoulder joints.
By smoothly reversing the motion vector at the endpoint of the range, you can again take advantage of elastic energy. In the concentric phase, return to a powerful, explosive contraction, but remain in complete control of the movement.
A note about time under load
Counting the total number of repetitions is not the only way to measure performance and progress. The duration of the approach is also of great importance.
The concept of time-under-load (TIM) is not well understood yet, but anecdotal evidence suggests that strength sets should last 4 to 20 seconds, while muscle sets should last 40 to 60 seconds. If in weight training you lift the weight as quickly as possible and then throw it down without any control, the muscles are not getting the optimal time under the load.
You should still choose a working weight with which failure occurs between 8 and 12 reps, which is optimal in terms of hypertrophy. Regarding the tempo of the repetitions, your set should last approximately 40-60 seconds.
When used correctly, VPN leads to the formation of metabolic products such as hydrogen ions, ammonia and inorganic phosphates. Increased metabolic stress signals the body to increase the secretion of hormones required for muscle protein synthesis, a key process in muscle growth.