Bodyfitness is a type of bodybuilding where all the attention is paid to the proportional and harmonious development of the body. The body fitness division was formed by the IFBB in 2002.
Observation of the performing athletes showed that most of them demonstrate sharp fluctuations in physical form and body weight in a short time, which are possible only due to pharmacological support or rare genetic data.
To maintain muscle mass and dryness are used: growth hormone, anabolic steroids, clenbuterol and other weight loss drugs. In most cases, athletes do not admit the use of doping, thereby avoiding social censure. Some female athletes have pronounced masculinization.
Differences from other competitions
Differences from other women’s divisions according to the IFBB:
Womens Physique (formerly Women Bodybuilding )
Women Bodybuilding participants had huge muscle volumes and pronounced relief. As a result of the use of high doses of anabolic steroids, as a rule, all participants showed pronounced symptoms of masculinization, including a rough voice, atrophy of the mammary glands (almost all have implants), clitoris hypertrophy, male facial features, etc. Most female athletes have thinning hair on their heads and even male-pattern baldness is observed.
Due to the fact that most of the athletes in the bodybuilding division had an extremely repulsive appearance and looked like men, Women’s Physique was formed in 2013 instead. In competitions, they began to give preference to more attractive girls, without obvious masculine features. Muscle volumes have become smaller, high demands are placed on relief, and high doses of androgenic and other anabolic agents are still used, therefore, most athletes have a rough voice, have breast implants (in view of their own atrophy), faces begin to acquire masculine features. Vumens the physicist includes 2 categories: height up to 163 cm and height above 163 cm.
Fitness (Women Fitness)
Outwardly attractive, practically have no masculine outlines. Many female athletes have breast implants. The volume of muscle mass is usually small, but high definition (including cubes on the abdomen) and muscle separation are required. The peculiarity of the category is that it is necessary to present a gymnastic program or dance.
Bodyfitness (Women Bodyfitness) or FIGURE (Figure)
The division was originally conceived as an alternative to Women Fitness without a gymnastics program. But if in fitness the volume and separation of muscles are assessed a second time, then in body fitness preference is given to more prominent girls with correct posture, wide shoulders and narrow hips. Some female athletes have a rough voice and other mild signs of virilization and hyperandrogynism. Hairstyle, makeup, gait and “stage confidence” are also assessed.
Fitness bikini
The fitness bikini is considered the lowest grade category introduced by the IFBB in 2011. Athletes should have an attractive appearance and a beautiful figure, but without obvious muscle relief (rounded buttocks, flat stomach, narrow hips). The low reputation of the fitness bikini division is due to the fact that almost any girl can achieve such a physical form with regular strength training and diet, and many girls have suitable forms by nature. Therefore, most of the titles of fitness bikini champions are obtained through bribery of judges or other services for which many FBFR champions are famous.
Origin story
All competitions related to the visual, visual representation of the physical development of the body in women, regardless of the federation, are divided into three divisions: bodybuilding, fitness, and body fitness (in the USA this is called FIGURE).
Where did the concept of body fitness grow from? The magical transformation happened due to the fact that at a certain stage it became clear: not all beautiful, athletic girls are able to “do” a decent free program in fitness at the highest level. Not everyone has acrobatic and gymnastic training behind them. But at the same time, these same “not all” want to classify themselves as bodybuilding.
Found a way out. Athletes are assessed based on body proportionality, muscle symmetry and overall muscle tone (among other assessments discussed below). But with much less emphasis on the muscles themselves, their size is typical of standard bodybuilding.
Bodyfitness is, in my opinion, a good option for women who want to compete, but without the fitness requirements for performing a complex, sometimes traumatic, free program, and without creating the extreme muscles necessary for bodybuilding.
Criteria for judging judges at body fitness competitions:
- Proportions.
- Permissible muscularity (the one that is suitable for the given athlete).
- Quality (tone, depth of muscle development, necessary separation, but again, to whom it suits).
- Submission (costumes, hairstyle, ability to move on stage, makeup).
- Presentability (beauty, inner charm, ability to attract the eyes of SPECTATORS and judges).
- First of all, I will immediately warn you that the criteria in the BF are still being formed and changing, and what I will now voice is more appropriate for the current moment.
Categories (by height)
Today, the competition rules provide for four height categories (up to 158 cm, up to 163 cm, up to 168 cm and over 168 cm). Depending on the number of participants, the number of categories can be reduced, up to the fact that one, absolute category can be held.
The competition is divided into three rounds. Each round is assessed separately. “From scratch”. All three rounds are posing:
- Qualifying round – “BIKINI” (two-piece swimsuit).
- Qualifying round – “One-piece swimsuit”.
- Final round – “BIKINI” (separate swimsuit).
Athletes go on stage in high-heeled shoes.